Jack Kornfield is an American author and teacher in the Vipassana movement in American Buddhism and Co-founder of the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin. Here’s a helpful article by him titled “Even the Best Meditators Have Old Wounds to Heal“.
He speaks of the benefits and limitations of meditation practice, and how psychotherapy can be useful for meditatiors to become more aware of our feelings and our bodies and to directly heal old wounds and unintegrated aspects of ourselves.
Here’s the first bit of the article:
For most people meditation practice doesn’t “do it all.” At best, it’s one important piece of a complex path of opening and awakening.
– Jack Kornfield
In spiritual life I see great importance in bringing attention to our shadow side, those aspects of ourselves and our practice where we have remained unconscious. As a teacher of the Buddhist mindfulness practice known as vipassana, I naturally have a firm belief in the value of meditation. Intensive retreats can help us dissolve our illusion of separateness and can bring about compelling insights and certain kinds of deep healing. Read more